
.....threw them all out of the pram at A*%@]d C%$*k today.

Apparently, I have an over-active ABS.
And I need new brake-pads as they have apparently worn away to nothing.
Oooh, and there was 'no oil in your car at all!'
I was then told that it was all due to the way I drive.
My car has only done 13, 500 miles and I'm a careful driver, I pointed this out.
I told them that I would return in person.
And when I arrived back at the garage, my brake pads now needed to be changed because they had corroded from under-use, they had fixed the ABS for me and, actually there was quite a bit of oil left, but we topped it up 'for free for you'!!
Thank you so much, I said.
And I took my car away after they tried to bully and pressurise me into booking my car in to be repaired (£140 for the pads) and a service as 'the warranty won't be valid if its not done by A*%@]d C%$*k (warranty runs out in 2 months anyway and the service with them would be 'about £160-£190')
Took it to a local and trusted garage - it seems that I have dirty brake pads (much less than £140 to fix and the service will cost me £125 or less).

Went out for a wee session with the camera to calm down and now snuggled on the sofa with Mr C......its not all bad x

EDIT - so busy ranting I forgot to mention that I went to see the Robert Mapplethorpe exhibition while I was in Perth. Well worth a visit if you've got the time.

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