Isle of Wight

We've come to the Isle of walk around it??!!

This blip shows me on the ferry. I thought I might have to stay in the car for the crossing but I was allowed to go into the lounge with Ann. We sat right at the front so that I could look out the window and see where we were going.

We're both exhausted. Ann is tired because she's done a lot of driving and I'm tired because I haven't had any sleep time.

My walks today haven't really been that exciting either. I had a good run at home before we left, then I had a couple of 5 min walks around service station car parks, then when we arrived here I had a quick play on Sandown Beach.

However, Ann says we're both just going to 'slob about' tonight. Drink wine and eat pizza. Well Ann is; I've had my dinner and I don't intend moving until it's time for my bedtime wee!

We've got 70 miles to walk over the next six days so we need to take it easy tonight.

Toodle pip. x

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