Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


By bedtime last night I had a headache. I still have one now. Not sure dropping a tree on it was a good idea.

I don't feel anymore sleepy than normal or have any signs that would make me unduly worried.

Of course I do only have 4 doses of pain meds left and echo have now informed me there is a supply issue (I did order in what I thought was plenty of time). This is the trouble with being on prescription pain control. I will see what the message is tomorrow. I use a postal service because its easier for me to manage. It rarely let's me down.

I collected the shredder today. We have already filled a one tonne bag and there is still lots more to do and then more trees to come down.

I am pretty impressed considering it wasn't an expensive one.

As we have now spent the small amount we had saved so far for the shed fund we are now hoping the salvage the one we have (and move it) and of course that will mean we won't need such a big skip.

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