Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

The past and the future........

Rob is a Matelot, not any old matelot, he’s highly qualified and experienced. Having joined the Royal Navy as a rating too many years ago to remember, he trained as an aircraft engineer, then spent years working on various aircraft types, reaching the rank of Chief Petty Officer. I have known him for many years now but had forgotten he applied to become an Officer. That was the past. 

The future. Recently he completed his training at Dartmouth, in July he will be promoted further to Lieutenant and will join HMS Prince of Wales as a Landing Deck Officer, a very responsible position. There is a slight twist to the tale, as an officer or rating on the new aircraft carriers he will have several jobs. The ships crew all multi-task, thereby reducing numbers and lost man hours as crew members wait to work. That is his future, and it could not happen to a better man, highly qualified, highly articulate and all-round nice bloke. 

It seems the Services have caught on, listened to their men and women and are now reaping the benefits. There may even be a slot for me, in the Museum. 

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