Life on the go

By BarryBadcock

pH Neutral

pH Neutral
I posted a photo of our Magnolia the other day and 'Young Chris' said that he could not grow one as his soil was  Alkaline and they did not like that. This got me thinking. 

As we are about to embark on this years planting (we plan to do over completely one of our beds) and we are both just learning about the finer side of gardening that we should know what sort of soil we have. (in the past it was a case of plant and hope to a greater extent). 

Mr Amazon delivered a pH test kit yesterday and so this was a job for today. 

Following the instructions I sampled around the garden and mixed with distilled water. For an 'accurate' answer I need to let the soil sample stew for 8hours. It did say I could get a provisional result after 1 hour. 

Based on this quick test we are about  a pH of 6.5, ie pH Neutral. 

Day 363 of Project 365

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