History on my doorstep — but I watched it on TV!

Today was the Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race. Normally held on the Thames, it was cancelled last year due to Covid. This year restrictions are still in place and no spectators allowed so the venue was moved to the River Great Ouse at Ely.
The finishing point was by Littleport bridge - less than half a mile from my back gate!  All roads and footpaths along the route were closed to vehicles and pedestrians so, like everyone else (except the inhabitants of the dozen or so houses actually ON the bank of the river) I had to watch it on TV. Cambridge won both the Women’s and Men’s races but in each case by only about half a boat’s length. Although Cambridge train on this river, Oxford were considered favourites for the men’s race as they were the more experienced crew. The weather was perfect, sunny and mild with only a slight breeze.
Pictures taken from the TV.

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