Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Honesty honestly

I was assured this was honesty although I only recognise it later in the year by its round, white seedheads. We had a bit of an issue when we went for the Easter service. Several of us had been told that someone we had recently seen had been in contact with someone who had Covid symptoms. That did not make us contacts who should self isolate but there were two or three people who were very uncomfortable before the service started and didn’t think we should be there. Several of us decided that to keep the peace we would not attend the service and that meant only seven remained. It was a shame not to ring and not to attend on Easter Sunday but it was more important not to sew discord and accept others’ sensitivities. Actually in the afternoon, a confirmation came through of a negative test. Nevertheless, four people we had invited for dinner did not feel they needed to cancel and we had a very pleasant meal before walking off some of the calories down by the river.

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