Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

More sun! Is this spring at last?

Today has been sunny! And warm! And no chilly breeze! In fact, Archie and I sat out in the front garden all morning - the sun is there much longer now. 

JR went off early for her Gym Bunnies session outside in a Bunny’s back garden. I think there was as much gossiping as bunny-ing, though. And she was too late home for her Pilates zoom session.

Elizabeth came to pick Archie up - I was ready to video the welcome at the gate - this is a still from it. His feet are off the ground!

Hazel popped over on her way to run round the Meadows, then when Chrissy came (four people in front garden!) we set off across the Meadows. It was full of small groups and it’s lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves safely. Just don’t go down in the evening when the drinking has gone on all afternoon, and the groups get rather larger. And then they all stagger home and leave their litter. And these are the people who are supposed to care about the planet?

The others walked on (15,347 steps) round Queen’s Park, but I had a coffee at Kaui, and walked home listening to an ABC ‘Conversations’ - this time about the heroic Grey Plover. These tiny birds migrate from South Australia to China, then to the Arctic Circle. And they fly/flap their wings the entire time - they don’t glide along on air currents. Amazing wee creatures.

Back home in time to watch the Women’s Six Nations rugby. Quite entertaining, with plenty of tries, all but one for a dominant England team.

It felt so nice today, that spring is here properly, at last. But no! Snow, gales and freezing temperatures are on the way next week for the whole UK.

Extras by Elizabeth.

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