Easter Egg hunt

When I set off on my doggie 'Easter Egg hunt' I certainly didn't expect to end up looking like this?!!

Yesterday when we were at a very lovely BBQ our friend, Amy, reminded us that the 'Wheal Alfred Dog Kennels' were hosting a 'doggie Easter Egg hunt' today. Apparently about 50 doggie Easter Eggs were being hidden at six locations. I've never been on an Easter Egg hunt before so Ann said that it would be a nice afternoon out for us. She said we could walk in all the locations until we found an egg. I was very, very, excited because I've never even had my own Easter egg.

First we went for a walk along the river at St Erth. That's a very nice place to walk but we didn't find any eggs. Grrrrr...................

Then we walked around the Mill Pond at Hayle. We didn't find any eggs. Grrrrrr.................

Next I trotted along the King George V Memorial Walk, on my lead, but we didn't find any eggs there either. Grrrrrr...............

From there we walked up to Hayle Towans and I had a really good time running around looking for eggs. However by then I was getting a bit desperate because I thought I was never going to find an egg. So do you want to know what I did?.......................... I went zooming off into the middle of a load of prickly bushes. I thought if I couldn't find any eggs I might be able to find an Easter bunny in the prickly bushes????

I couldn't find an Easter bunny and when I came out of the prickly bushes, I just flopped down because I was very tired. Ann was going to take a photo of me because I was looking very cute on the dunes with St Ives in the background, but then she noticed I was drenched in blood. And when I say, 'drenched in blood', I mean, drenched in blood. Ann totally freaked out. She only had one tissue in her bag which obviously was no good for cleaning me up.

My walk (and Easter Egg hunt) immediately got abandoned. Boohoo. I got clipped back onto my lead and we had to walk the direct route back to the car. But that still took us half an hour. I was feeling absolutely fine, but I kept shaking my head. And every time I shook my head, blood splattered everywhere. All over me, all over Ann, all over everywhere.

Anyway, very, very, very, long story short.......................... Ann eventually worked out that all the blood was coming from a weeny, teeny cut on my right ear. By the time we got back to the car I was pretty much a red collie, I was drenched in that much blood. Fortunately MollyCollie once had a tiny cut on her ear so Ann knew that ears produce a lot of blood. The trouble was; everything else was drenched in blood......................... the car, Ann, her bag, her clothes, her shoes. And I was still shaking my head all the time?!

When we got home I got tied up by the front door and Ann attempted to wash me outside. That didn't really work so then she brought my crate (which I only use when I'm in the car) into the house and I had to go into it for about an hour so that I was contained until my ear stopped bleeding. Ann couldn't bear to sit waiting for my ear to stop bleeding so she went to Tesco to buy wine some carrots for me because I was being such a good girl and she thought I deserved treats.

Fortunately by the time Ann came home my ear had stopped bleeding. However, most of my fur was still drenched in blood. I was literally a very red collie. Do you want to know what Ann did next?............................

…..................She took off all her clothes, went into the shower and put it on a really cool setting and then came to get me. We both had a shower together and all the blood on my body just got washed away. Having said that........................ I kept 'shaking' so by the time Ann had finished washing me, the bathroom looked like a murder scene and Ann was covered in so much blood that it looked like she was the murderer?!!

I got put back into my crate to dry off and have my dinner, but I've just been let out so I'm having a little chillax on the sun terrace. All my towels and duvet covers are in the washing machine. Ann's cleaned the bathroom and the front door which was splattered in blood?! Need to clean the car tomorrow?!!

Never in our wildest dreams did we think that an Easter Egg hunt would turn out like this?!

….................Oh and just in case anyone is interested............................. we didn't even find any eggs?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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