Pene plod

Beautiful day but light  very bright & harsh. Computer really slow now. Took Pene walk to Keills.
Phoned Green flag on Fri to get my car picked up to get taken to the garage, of course the local Green Flag recovery lot is the Stag garage in Lochgilphead. Mechanic came & couldn't open the bonnet (that's cause the catch is still broken) so he disappeared never to be seen again. I then phoned the Stag direct yesterday & spoke to the Boss who promised to pick car up yesterday, (still waiting) Then I went down to the Stag myself & spoke to the bloody boss who had forgotten all about my car until he saw me meander into his cesspit of a garage. Promise to pick it up with in the hour  (11am this morning) so of f I went for a long plod with ''pene . I  come home about 3pm and the bloody car is still at the gate! No point in bothering to chase garage up now as the other garage will be closed over Easter. These clowns couldn't run a minodge far less a business! IF it's still here by Tuesday I'm going to phone Green Flag and complain about the Stag garage (not that it will do one blind bit of good) and the car is then going in the bin!

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