Lamium album, White Dead Nettle

May your Easter be filled with peace and contentment despite everything. Oddly, today felt like Saturday, goodness knows what tomorrow will feel like.

Thank you for all your support and feedback on our experiences with renewing Doreen’s blue badge. It’s an issue many of you have had to deal with and one that needs reform. I don’t hold out much hope.

It was really cold on the allotment, not even cultivating the ground kept me warm. The day was made when I found my Dad’s knife in the ground I was clearing. I regularly lose this knife and always (until now) found it sooner or later. As it’s been outside since before the snow so it was very rusty. Trusty wet and dry sandpaper and 3 in 1 oil completed its restoration.

It was a cold walk into the brisk northerly breeze this afternoon, always with the roar of the M20 always in our ears. Today’s blip was taken on the golf course and is another submission for WildFlowerWeek21. Looking up information on the white dead nettle I learned it is known as the bee nettle as it is a welcome early source of nectar especially for bumble bees. It’s a shape pleasing to the eye, with the wide base of open flowers narrowing to buds yet to open. Thanks again to Miranda1008 for hosting the week

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