I was out cycling in the afternoon. Left the bicycle with keys and phone on the path next to a little pond in the middle of nowhere to take photos of toads.
What you see is what I blipped - in the very moment I pressed the shutter I noticed movement behind me. There was someone stealing my bicycle! A big guy with a helmet was looking through my stuff and pushing away the bicyle the same time. I started yelling (don't remember what) and running towards him. He was some 20 meters away. He kept moving and I kept yelling. Don't know what I was thinking, not much I guess, just reacting. And then he stopped and looked up at me and started laughing.
It was my brother-in-law - I hadn't recognized him with the helmet and the lycra - and a few meters behind him my little sister was giggling at the scenery.
What a coincidence! They had seen me cycle down the small path and the parked bicycle and decided to follow me and play a joke an me. Worked. 100 points.
In return I told them that one of the water buffalos at the Kranichwoog had given birth while I was standing there watching them and they should go take a look. They believed every word I said. And the best thing: They had just been to the Kranichwoog. And my little sister started arguing with my brother-in-law that she had been right with the number of buffalos she had counted: 11. He said 10. It was a lot of fun for me.
BTW The water buffalo family of 6 became a family of 10 last week - 4 more buffalos arrived. You can see (and count) them in the extra.
I'll now let my sister and her husband know about my little joke. Or should I wait until they spread the word about the baby buffalo around.....?
20:15; 22°C
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