Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Pranks and plunder!

I discovered today that there’s nothing that brings out a teacher’s inner teenager like when the last day of term and April Fools’ Day coincide!

A Head of House came round with some mini eggs for us... which were actually grapes he must have spent hours wrapping up. Someone apparently filled up the sugar bowl in the staff room with salt and a rumour went round that the government had just made an emergency announcement that the Easter holidays were now only one week long. Thankfully, there was plenty of real chocolate to snaffle... and one of the Year 11s gave me a homemade samosa - delicious! And he wasn’t even in my class, I was just walking past a science classroom, saw cakes through the window and couldn’t resist the urge to go in. I knew it would be worth it. :-D

As for me, I did what I do every year and, once all my students were settled in their seats, said ‘Right, everyone ready for the assessment, then?’

It never fails and I never get tired of seeing the horror on their little faces! Don’t worry, someone always quickly points out what day it is. They then all shout that it really wasn’t funny, to which I reply that it really definitely was, it was absolutely hilarious!

Later on, the lovely lady who runs the resources room gave me a bag of chocolate eggs to say thank you for always making her laugh, so I rest my case.

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