Jurassic Park
I went for my first long walk of the season today. After suffering a stress fracture in my right foot, I was unable to go out and walk for quite a while.
Of course, I headed for our local arboretum, as I had not been there since Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey.
I was very upset by the amount of devastation that had taken place in my beloved park. After seeing how much work needs to be done to clean things up, I decided that I will show up this weekend to volunteer my services. In fact, I hope a lot of people show up. The place is a mess.
With many Heritage Trees felled and small plantings destroyed, it seemed a bit barren in spots. I felt a sense of loss and sat for a while contemplating Mother Nature's wrath.
As I was walking towards the front gate, I did a double take. What was that lurking off to my left side?
A T-Rex's massive leg?
Fear rushed through me as I turned and captured this shot.
Just a trick of the eye.
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