Why did the cow slip?
Because it saw the bull rush! No, it was the other way round, but never mind. This is one of a group of rather attractive red cowslips which I bought from Homebase a couple of weeks ago and planted in the wooden troughs on the deck. Probably not as good as the normal yellow species, but still rather good.
It turned into a gloriously sunny afternoon after a rather slow start. I've spent some time in the garden today, planting my newly acquired forsythia on top of the one-time stone wall down by the road, not far from the Corylopsis I put in a few weeks ago. My new Viburnum tinus 'Unknown pink variety' I planted up on the bank above the house after spending an hour or more trying to get some of the gaultheria and pernettya roots out. I also transplanted a young self-sown birch from another part of the garden to help with the shelter some day in the future!
Quote of the Day:
William Shakespeare - " I must go seek some dew drops here, and hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear."
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