A Gleaming Green
I'm having camera issues. When I was shooting the sunset last night...I glanced at the picture, and it looked like the camera strap was taking up half the screen. On every picture...a different shadow appeared. I ruled out the lens, and the filters. I slept on the problem...hoping it would go away. It didn't. Hope I didn't wreck it.
I resorted to my back-up to my back-up.
And...wouldn't you know it...the wild parrot I've been trying to capture for years...was squawking at me from a telephone wire. I say wild parrot...for all I know...he is a runaway from the Polly-Want-A-Cracker Pet Store. But...wild or not...I was still thrilled. I coaxed him into leaving the wire, and landing on the top of this palm tree.
Since I only had one battery...I decided to stay out until it ran out. It never did. On my
FLICKR PAGE are a few more of the parrot, and some shore birds.
I'm off to the kitchen for...you guessed it...strawberry shortcake. Nothing quite like it to watch NCIS with.
Update: Lizzie (aviloverNZ) tells me it's a black hooded parakeet. Many thanks. I also did some local research to find out they are wild in this area. WOO-HOO!
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