New Art

This lovely picture arrived a few days ago from Rob (my dear ex-son-in-law in Indiana).  It's not the first time he's sent a wonderful surprise my way for no particular reason and I'm always overjoyed but sad that he's not closer so I could give him a hug.  This reminded both of us of the family trip we took to Italy in 2001when we walked down streets that looked exactly like this one, even with the cat.   I was delighted and had it hanging on the wall within minutes of receipt.  

We have a variety of art preferences in our family, but the most significant difference is between my son Mark and me.  He prefers abstract art and mostly has paintings/pictures that don't look like any identifiable object.  He teases me that I don't have anything that doesn't have a cat in it, which is almost true.  I love landscapes and trees and I also have a "rodent" gallery which is mostly cute mice pictures.  I have at least 60 pictures hanging in my apartment and I would be willing to bet that nobody will be fighting over who gets which one after I die.  Well, maybe one or two.  

Lizzie and I spent the day on the couch.  I didn't have much of a reaction to my second shot but I was a bit tired so I took her advice and napped along with her.  Lizzie's in Extra.

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