Connected By Light

By Sideystar

It's Not What it Seems


College tomorrow, super excited as been planning for a few days with my make up artist friend.

Work was crap!

I popped to Soho for a trim, He did a great Job...phew.

Purchased a new shirt and spring Jacket my blue duvet it just to warm now. Hurrah!

Read this today.

"Wel­come to The Hun­ger.
The Hun­ger to do something crea­tive.
The Hun­ger to do something ama­zing.
The Hun­ger to change the world.
The Hun­ger to make a dif­fe­rence.
The Hun­ger to enjoy one's work.
The Hun­ger to be able to look back and say, Yeah, cool, I did that.
The Hun­ger to make the most of this utterly brief blip of time Crea­tion has given us.
The Hun­ger to dream the good dreams.
The Hun­ger to have ama­zing peo­ple in our lives.
The Hun­ger to have the synap­ses con­ti­nually fired up on over­drive.
The Hun­ger to expe­rience beauty.
The Hun­ger to tell the truth.
The Hun­ger to be part of something big­ger than your­self.
The Hun­ger to have good sto­ries to tell.
The Hun­ger to stay the course, des­pite of the odds.
The Hun­ger to feel pas­sion.
The Hun­ger to know and express Love.
The Hun­ger to know and express Joy.
The Hun­ger to chan­nel The Divine.
The Hun­ger to actually feel alive.
The Hun­ger will give you everything. And it will take from you, everything. It will cost you your life, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Wel­come to The Hun­ger. Its day has arri­ved. It will never go away. You have been told" - Hugh Macleod

Peace, love & Creativity

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