
By SonofLionel

Numbered Days

The Lonesome Pine is no more.  It has expired. It has ceased to be. It has run up the curtain and joined the choir invisibule.  It is....... an ex pine.  It has not grown a new pine-needle for a year now.
The man due to remove it in a humanitarian and sensitive manner failed to turn up for the quote today. I called him and he was very apologetic (unusual for a Frenchman).  He was busy.  (He did not forget - note).
So, he is coming on Friday to give me a quote.  The tree is (we think) an old Christmas tree planted by an ex-owner.  It’s time is certainly ‘up’.  It is big and if it falls over will damage stuff in the garden.
In parallel, Mrs SoL and I have emptied the last of the old compost bays and transferred them to the raised beds.  (See extra) Mrs SoL even found time to plant onion sets (where does she get the energy?!).
G&T is calling loudly!

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