Maison Dave

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

I may just have mentioned all the cat-maintenance that goes on in our back garden these days. Honestly, I feel like Caro and I are just running a 5 star restaurant for hedgehogs and cats. It can get really busy and, as Caro is away, now I am running it solo.

However, last night business was slow. This is because it was raining heavily and our clientele stayed home. So I didn't see all our regular customers. Except Dave. Dave is always around.

He's often here for breakfast too. When I let the boys out the back in the morning, I now have to also check for Dave first. This is because Punky HATES Dave, so I have to escort the little orange cat round to the front of the house (with biscuits) before I can let Punky out.

This morning, Dave was DRENCHED. Why he'd decided to come for breakfast in this weather, I do not know. It was TIPPING it down. And he was SO excited. Meowing and leaping and dancing and tripping me all the way up the stairs. 

And because I am me, I felt bad for him. I got the 3-bar heater and put it in the garage and Dave naturally followed me. I gave him some nice food and some toys and he was SO HAPPY. See extras for how happy Dave was. 

I had to go to work, but I allowed myself to be late and spent 90 minutes with him. He had a play. He had a nice wash. He had a nap. And then he said, "Thanks!" and went on his way. I didn't even need to put him out - he just headed off to meet with his other people around the neighbourhood.

It was a nice way to start the day.

Gromit was still feeling low, and not in work today. But she did send me an email with lots of exclamation points when I got to work. 

"SO INSPIRATIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!" she said.

She was talking about Hedy Lamarr. In between yesterday's chicken-chat she told me she admired female pioneers, especially scientists. So I told her the story about Hedy Lamarr (which I have told you about before, I'm sure). As it happens, the documentary about her is currently streaming on tv here and Gromit watched it. 

Gromit needed inspiration. Marketing were digging their heels in, one of the senior managers was now openly backing them and the war to get photos of animals in rooms that bear their name looked to be lost. 

"F*ck it. We'll just turn UP with pictures of animals and tell staff they can do what they like with the picture and then wink at them," she said. 

But I'd scheduled a meeting with Marketing Guy today. It was my last meeting of the day. Faz and Ellie came along with me. They are also resolutely Team Gromit. 

And Marketing Guy COULD NOT BE NICER. He said we could have PHOTOS or ILLUSTRATIONS. He did a complete 180. We couldn't wait to tell Gromit.

We got on an online call with her after the phone, "Who wants to tell her?" I asked. Ellie said she did.

"PHOTOS!!!!" said Ellie.

Gromit's face was a picture. She looked like someone had hit her with a plank. 

There then followed one of those, "Photos?" "Yes." "Really??" "Yes." "All of them??" "All of them." "REALLY???" conversations.

"Oh my [VERY BAD WORD] god," said Gromit. Then, "GET IT IN WRITING."

Score one for Hedy Lamarr. 


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