River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Dunnock in Horse Chestnut ...

... singing it’s heart out! It'll be a miracle if you can see it ...
Horse Chestnut has broken bud and first new leaves, no signs of flowers yet.
In reply to my pal JacJack a few days ago - it looks and feels like The Caribbean today :-)) xx
Perfect weather all day, warm and hazy sunshine but clothes not drying properly outside - dew was still on the grass late afternoon too.
While I was sitting in the garden - first time this year - watched a ladybird flexing her wings, then the intricate process of taking off, what an amazing piece of engineering ... https://youtu.be/P335P-LtA10 ...!
First swallow has been sighted just a few miles away, near Lligwy beach.
MrD went for a motorbike ride to the mountains after working all morning.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone and warm and cosy :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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