Churchyard flowers

Inspired by hazelh’s blip of a couple of days ago, my attention was caught on my walk by the grape hyacinths in South Leith Churchyard.

Today was a pretty slow day. I think we were both quite tired after the excitement of yesterday. Our tolerance of busy days seems to have withered away.... I must confess I finished the Rankin I have been reading before I got dressed and started the day... And I’ve been struggling with a short piece of writing that I should have knocked off in a couple of days... I still cannot see my way through the thicket. I’m trying to respond to the reviewers’ comments on my book in a review symposium, and struggling to figure out exactly what more I have to say....

Later on, just before dinner Mr A made an exciting announcement. The seeds have germinated, or are germinating, and little shoots are just starting to appear in the two troughs I’ve put on the balcony. That should soon supply me with a blip, provided they aren’t nipped in the bud, as it were, by some cold weather next week.

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