Claremont Gardens

I haven’t used our NT cards since... well I don’t know when but pre lockdown and decided to book a visit to the gardens. Mr C was working and the kids were working or didn’t fancy it so it was just Ruby and I.  I took her for walk in the common across the road to the gardens before we entered.  We walked all around the lake having a couple of short sit down breaks on our way. This is a panoramic view from the top of the amphitheater and in the extras you can see the view taken from the other side of the lake.

Although the car park was quite full, it certainly didn’t feel crowded in there.  I was hoping to see a bit of colour ~ blossom, bulbs etc . There had been a lovely display of daffodils but they were well past their best. Still it was a nice change and lovely in the sunshine (24c it said in the car).

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