
By Madchickenwoman

Mother and Son

As the clocks went forward yesterday ( yes I didn't realise this and wondered why Oscar meekly accepted my "No!" when he tried to get me up and instead settled on the bed next to me! ) I told The Exile I would take Ginger to the field with me, saving her walking him before school! Ivy and her master were off to play golf so it wasn't an altruistic offer on my part! Oscar was delighted to have his mum, Ginger was happy for the first half hour and then got fed up with Oscar pouncing on her so lay down on the ground! Oscar and I played with a tennis ball instead!
Bad news re The Exile's mum - it's lung cancer. She is having a biopsy to see what stage it is. So that is both her partner and mother with cancer. Fortunately her partner has responded to treatment.

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