Spring Catkins

Good news for me today.  I had a hospital appointment this morning and they’ve taken my boot away and discharged me.  So I can drive again!  Great news and also scary.  How did I spend my days before I slipped and spent six weeks hopping?  It’s amazing how being home becomes a total way of life.  Thank goodness for the very lovely day and I’ve done some more garden tidying until I was too tired to do more and then came back inside to put my foot up while I had a catch up with a friend.  My ankle is still fairly prickly but I’ve been told it could be a couple of months before the swelling goes down.  At our Creative Photography group yesterday Sally showed us one of her composite images made up of different kinds of catkins in vases, which sparked my memory of the pussy willow catkin tree by the road.  A later afternoon shot taken when the light was getting lower, which has helped the bokeh form in the background.  (Taken with Lensbaby Trio on the `sweet’ setting.

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