
By spishy

What's this? Two sunny days in row!

It has been so uplifting to have the sunshine and warmth today.

My day has not gone as smoothly as I would have liked, however, I shall not burden the world of blip with that.

I did get the opportunity to go and visit Estrella this afternoon. She is still in hospital but has been moved from the cardiac unit to a geriatric ward - much to her horror- you see, Estrella does not consider herself to be
"a little old lady". That is how she puts it and she is 89 years old.

It was great to see her looking so much better and it is possible that she may be home tomorrow.

Estrella is the only patient on the ward who is still in possession of a full set of marbles. That much was very clear to me.

It was a highly entertaining visit........
The lady in the bed opposite constantly says "hello" - about every 30 seconds -and if you wave and say hello back she says "heil Hitler" No joke, I am serious. She even does the arm movement and then goes back to the perpetual "hello" again.

Another lady, who Estrella thinks is a man, which is amusing in itself, will suddenly start wailing like a banshee, with the most awful look of terror on her face. It is really quite spine chilling.

I have to say that we did find it highly amusing but it is terribly sad. The nurses were fabulous. I just don't know how they do it. They seem to love Estrella because she is so on the ball.

I hope that should I reach such an age that I will have all my marbles.

A busy day all round and very little time to blip.

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