The haze was as thick as milk this morning, and the sun was already well above the horizon before it became faintly visible. It's not often that I can look at the sun through a 300 mm lens 15 minutes after dawn. It stayed hazy all day, and as I came home the sun was again watchable with the naked eye as it dropped towards the line of fells across the estuary. It was the warmest day of the year so far, the warmest since October. But maybe the last good day for a while. It has been over two weeks since we had rain, which at this time of year, and in Cumbria is quite remarkable.
Most of the shots I took of the sunset were in portrait format, and here is an odd thing. I have been unable to download them onto the iPad. I have been trying to work out where the problem is, and by a process of elimination, it seems to be the camera card. I shall try changing it to see if that makes the difference. But I really don't want to have to go back to using the glacial whirrlitzer PC which sits in a very cold room, and was the factor that nearly stopped me blipping last year (and no, for those regular readers of this journal, we still haven't replaced it).
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