March Daily Challenge - Under - Understocked

Day 5 of MissyMoo's March daily challenge - Under: Get down and take a photo of 'under'. It could be something hiding underneath something, or your perspective from under something.

I spent today at Focus on Imaging, and despite carrying both the compact and the DSLR with me didn't take a single photo. I was a very good boy and only bought consumables - paper from Permajet and blades and cutting mats from Longridge, plus the essential cup of tea.

Permajet seem to have underestimated demand for their products, pictured is the last box of Fibrebase Distinction in A3 size, so the accompanying box of A3+ had an extra discount on it, not pictured are the 2 boxes of their new Titanium paper which had sold out before I got there, and they still have a day and a half to go! At least they won't have huge amounts of stock to take back to their base.

So my under is their understocked papers, but to keep on the theme of distinctions (from their paper type) I spent some time in the RPS ARPS assessments, some excellent panels of images and worthy recipients of the distinction. To them congratulations, to those who didn't succeed, commiserations, don't be discouraged, listen to the panels comments and try again.

This is also my 365th consecutive daily challenge, and since I started after the Leap Day last year it marks the completion of a calendar year of them, I did say I would dip in and out of them, so maybe now I've done a year I'll have the occasional dip out.

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