Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Lockdown hair!

My theory that Tesco would be empty at opening time this morning because most people would have forgotten about the clocks changing proved correct and I was in and out in no time - even with having to stop and rescue a dog which was running loose in the lane near our house.

When I got home we went for a long walk to where we’d heard there were some new lambs. There were so many and a few ran right up to the fence to say hello - just adorable! The farmer was very friendly, too, and picked one up so we could pet it. He said one of the ewes had had eight lambs - I didn’t even know that was possible! All are fine, apparently. By far the most interesting member of the flock had to be this one, though... if Boris was a sheep, eh? :-D

Back home after that to ironing, school prep, clock changing, dinner roasting and cherry crumbling.

I’m knackered now!

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