Wetlands run

If I'm honest, I wasn't quite ready for the half-marathon, last Friday. Nine or ten miles, fine, but I need to train up those last three miles over a longer period of time than three weeks!

Anyway, whilst my muscles have been fine, my joints have been a little inflamed, so I thought I'd just do a short run before work, this morning: out as far as the Wetlands and turn back. But the weather was so lovely that I couldn't resist running all the way 'round.

There are two of these structures - sheds, cabins, whatever they are - both beautifully painted. The other one has the horse racing picture on it, despite which I still didn't realise the Wetlands is an old race course until the Minx told me!

My Extra is from the other end of the day, walking home from college.

Thinking what to read next

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