
By Beinghere

Field Walk

Since it’s the weekend we needed to find a quiet spot for our walk, to avoid all the tourists and visitors. So we headed a couple of miles north and walked around several fields.
We’re fortunate here that the local estate farm leaves extra wide field margins to encourage wildlife.

When we got home I spotted a rat on the bird table yet again. I had removed all the bird seed so there was nothing there for him to eat. Perhaps he just likes the view. I took Geordie up the garden and he had a good sniff around the base of the bird table while the rat just looked down on him. I shouted and it ran. Geordie didn’t see it. It ran under the shed so I went into the shed and there was one in the shed. I discovered that a hole has been chewed/created at the base of one wall.
At this point I was struggling to stay calm. I came indoors and bated a couple of the rat traps my son had sent and placed them at the side of the shed. A couple of hours later I checked on the traps only to find one missing. I can only guess that a rat is wandering around the neighbourhood wearing a trap.
I will need to empty everything out of the shed, including any rats and their nests. Check for and repair holes, then return everything. There are lots of people complaining about rats in the town and it seems most are chasing them away so they go across the road or just next door.

Other than that I have sown more seeds. Today it was Marshmallows, Evening Primrose and more spinach and lettuce.

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