Local walk

The sun was shining so I set off for a walk and a few minutes later it was blowing a gale and chucking down what felt like sleet. I had a brolly but I nearly took off.
Stood under the shelter on the playing field I was cross but the rain or sleet was hitting me sideways so I trotted off after a while. Had a quick trip to the new Co-op which opened today, mainly for a TV guide and paper and was lucky to get some freebies for opening day.
Headed back home, dropped off shopping and the sun was back out, the wind had died down a lot so I had a little extra walk.
Back at home I had to dig up an azalea I planted many years ago as somehow it was completely snapped off at ground level. A pity as it's normally smothered in flowers in April.
I have lots of other plants in pots that I can transfer to the gap.
The photo above - well, no words needed.
Feeling a bit fed up due family matters but tomorrow's another day.

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