lockdown 40!

A very full day of celebrations for Ant.

After bacon butties, presents and the school run we headed off to the deli to select lunch (which we were sure we’d never be hungry for) and then started a decent hike. We timed it perfectly for lunch at the top of Kinder Downfall where we enjoyed watching the water travel in the wrong direction - never fails to entertain. We were occasionally discombobulated by the lack of children requiring carriage or dallying perilously close to sheer drops but got used to the peace and quiet fairly swiftly. Once home we got on with dinner prep - the children wanted burgers “for Daddy” so burgers it was. After a hike, the carbs and grease were welcome! We’ve rounded the day off with champagne and a film.


1. Ant;
2. Friends and family;
3. The hills.

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