Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Spring has come

Fingers crossed that winter has finally gone. My small crocus patch certainly seems to think so and the sun is out and it is actually warm outside. I am, of course, ignoring the forecast of rain for the rest of the week.

When C came into the bedroom this morning, the first thing she asked was could she go to Rainbows next week! That was before my morning cuddle. I think we can safely say she enjoyed it, helped no doubt that the theme of the evening was cakes and she got to eat two of them!

Lovely morning this morning at school, doing numbers, a spelling test and then helping with some kids sewing and some kids making their houses out of plaster. I would have liked to stay longer, but the second last assignment was calling me. Well not really but I need to get on with it. (Have done some of it but it is hard going and Blip is a welcome distraction.)

So I am inside whilst my kids are enjoying the weather. I have been texted photos of W at the farm and have seen pictures on Twitter of C and her class at the library, as part of world book day celebrations. They will have had a lovely walk into town and out in the sunshine.

Right I am off to do some more of the assignment. It is reviewing and reflecting on a taped phone conversation. Tricky to do even when you have got over the horrendous issue of hearing yourself on tape.

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