
9°C  -  16 mph SSW Wind Speed  -  25 mph Gusts  -  Overcast  -  some Sunny Intervals.  Had to laugh when I looked at my calendar later in the day☺  I was not smiling big, nor standing tall, although I did do something incredible enough for me to go to A & E in Arbroath with a big toe injury  -  see my Extra.  I got my foot trapped under a heavy armchair I was moving while vaxing the carpet, and the nail of my big toe was almost ripped off  -  blood gushing out everywhere!  Because of lockdown I had neighbours at home  -  Milly rang the A&E, and Penny and Billy drove me to the hospital.  How can I ever thank them enough!  The nurses were wonderful  -  one held my hand while the other strapped the nail back on.  I had expected her to take it out, but she said it was still attached to the nail bed, and so could be put back in place.  The dressing can be removed on Sunday, but strips strapping the nail back on should be left to drop off when they are ready.  So, how incredible is that?

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