
By Photogen

Rhododendron Bud

There are over 1000 species of rhododendrons and although it is the national flower of Nepal, it is able to thrive in every continent. The picture shows a healthy bud of a type named 'Percy Wiseman'. Hopefully, it will develop gorgeous two-toned peach and cream blooms in July. The plant only grows to a metre high so it won't turn the garden into a jungle in a few years. I'll give it a good mulch soon and we'll see what happens.

I've given this some treatment firstly using a filter called Carmine in a free phone app called Revel. It appears to reduce everything to black and white except red, depending on your colour range. So the red tinges on the bud are emphasized, as are the earth tones in the top right corner. You could obviously overdo this, but it creates an interesting effect and makes you look twice at a simple bud. The process was completed by adding a poster edge filter in Photoshop to give that crispness to the edges.

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