The next day...

By Spiderboy


It's 8 am and Richard has just brought me a cup of tea. Normally I am awake well before this but I didn't sleep well for the first half of last night so was in a deep deep sleep when the tea arrived - and to be honest, I am still in a bit of a fug now !
The reason for this can only be that I have a dentist appointment today- I HATE THE DENTIST.
My daughter is coming back from Uni tomorrow and her room is currently being used to house an exercise bike, contents of 3 black bags that need to go to the charity shop but can't as they're not open....and 40 pots with seedlings in .....this as you can imagine is causing me logistical concern.
New houses (though it is 2 and a half years since we moved in ) do not come blessed with lots of space or 'nooks or crannies' to shove things into!
( oh....and I forgot......the clothes airer !

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