I went over to #2 son's house today to do a cleaning for him. The front yard area was full of tiny purple and light purple violets. He said he was going to cut the grass soon but I told him to wait until they bloom out! He just rolled his eyes!
He is still going to sell his house but has not put the house on the market due to not having found a house to buy which is not for lack of looking and offering. The housing market in our area is booming and people are actually bidding on houses way above their fair market value. He put a bid in on one he wanted (way over my comfort zone!) but someone had outbid him with some stupid amount way over what the house was worth. Most banks here will only lend 80% of the market value of the house so Brett has to be very careful when he offers for a house so that he will be able to get the loan and a reasonable monthly payment. One house he has looked at is coming on the market at the end of the month (it is now a rental) so he will make an offer on it and hope for the best. His real estate agent has talked to the owner and the owner knows what Brett will bid. Hoping he can get this moving done before too much longer. He is a little stressed about it but he did say today it will happen when it happens! I sure am glad Jerry and I are not trying to find a new home!
I hope flowers are springing up where you are!!
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