I met a friend for a walk today - the first time I’ve walked with anyone since before Christmas. It felt like the best decision for me, even though it has been permitted during this lockdown.
There are daffodils everywhere! It’s definitely spring! We had a great walk which included a brief picnic of food and sandwiches, bringing our own food. Walking with others often means I don’t take many pictures, but when I saw this clump of daffodils in front of this house, I told my friend that I HAD to take a few snaps. I’m glad I did because not many other pictures were taken today.
It was a bit more cloudy and cooler today, but when I got home the sun did come out and I spent the rest of the afternoon in my garden again, this time bundled up a bit more. Being in the sun sure feels good! I finished my novel (really stupid ending) and I even had a snooze. Perfect day!
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