The Day

A lovely if cold  morning for my pre-work walk.  I was a bit slow this morning, so  was quite late logging on, then started my week with back to back meetings.  I did get to escape briefly late morning when TT and I headed off to get our COVID vaccine.  It felt quite exciting.  It was amazingly well organised and efficient.  The lady who did the deed was a dentist in normal times.  A friend was volunteering at the clinic, so it was nice to stop and have a chat with her.  She was getting her vaccine in the afternoon.
The rest of my work day was busy.  I kept wondering if I was feeling hot during the afternoon, but decided it was probably psychosomatic.  I decided to make the most of the last of the daylight and get out for a walk, knowing I had a document to check over for tomorrow when I got back.  It was still pleasant, but chilly.
When I got back TT was cooking and I immediately started to feel nauseous.  I wasn’t sure if I was up for tea, but  gave it a go and struggled.  I started to feel really unwell and was in bed by 8pm, totally unable to review the document.
Just as well I had read this leaflet.

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