The Lily Ann & The Savage Lady Hit the Sea

There is quite a contrast between the 2 fishing boats. The Lily Ann is a commercial fishing vessel. I could only see 2 people (the captain and the pelican-chaser-offer), but there may be a couple of others in the cabin. The big boat goes out on a daily basis, so it is probably going after herring, a bait fish.

The Savage Lady (a charter fishing boat) also goes out daily, but by my count...there are 19 people on board. Probably 3 workers, and 16 anglers wanting to catch some fishies.

Everybody gets up with the photographers to get an early jump on the day. HAPPY FISHING!

It doesn't look like my long lens is going to be making a comeback after its plunge yesterday. We tried a hair dryer and a drying-out agent, but many water spots are still evident. Just like last month when my sister came through with a camera, my dad came through with a lens. My daughter and her family are arriving tomorrow, and hopefully, she is bringing it.

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