Me and My Shadow

Have you ever tried to not step on your shadow when you are walking directly away from the sun? Well, Ellie found out she could catch up with it or pass it.   :-))   It was a beautiful day to go down to the beach; Ellie and I spent a couple hours playing until she suddenly hit a wall......"I'm tired, let's go back to the beach" Granted we had done our fair sharing of walking around back forth to the water from our sandcastle building spot, but I was surprised by her screech to a halt in the action. It was sunny, but cool and a bit windy.....the water was really cold but the tide pool area eventually felt almost balmy......we rolled up our pants and splashed away. I am grateful I have this bundle of energy to keep me moving; even when my hip and knee hurt, I can laugh & have fun with Little Miss Ellie! Look at those tiny fingers...... okay for Tiny Tuesday?

I hope all of you are happy........if not, spend time with a child to be motivate to have fun. But be warned, the end result is exhaustion and a need for a nap.......thankfully, the child usually needs a nap too.

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