Completely Unacceptable

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

This is Mr. Miyagi again. You may remember I blipped him before. He is the resident doggie at Caro's eyelash place. And I just loved this picture. He looks so HAPPY.

Speaking of animal pictures, Caro gave me a copy of Jasper's book to take in for Gromit today. I had told Caro two things:

Thing 1: Gromit is having a really difficult time of it lately, being patronised by patronising men.

Thing 2: Gromit loves it when Jasper comes into our online meetings.

So Caro, who is very tenderhearted, picked out one of the many copies of Jasper's book that we still have. And Gromit indeed loved it. I got a hug and there was a squeal. 

She also showed me her OTHER present that she got from her niece. I was expecting it to read, "WORLD'S BEST AUNTIE" or something.

"Do you see? It says F***-A-DOODLE-DOO!" said Gromit. Quite delighted with it. 

It makes sense. Because Gromit keeps chickens. And swears like a... a... well, like Princess Normal. 

This was a bright spot in a bad day for Gromit. Wobbly manager who was backing her, is now backing away. Worse, she was told she was "hurting her reputation" by calling out bad behaviour from the Marketing guys.

"But they are ****ING LIARS!" she complained. 

She got a bit weepy and Faz had to give her a hug. 

However, I cheered her up by writing a strongly-worded email so that she could escalate matters without "hurting her reputation". You may remember that I feel this is my Secret Evil Superpower wherein I start to use phrases like, "this will require costly rework and negatively impact downstream processes". 

Faz and Gromit had not been exposed to it before, so when they read my email full of posh words about "reputational damage" and "customer disengagement" they were howling with laughter. I also told them they should read the words "completely unacceptable" with a jowelly Boris Johnson bluster and that set them off again.

By the end of the day things seemed to be working out. Wobbly manager seemed to be wobbling back in our direction. He's done this before though, so we'll have to see what happens. 

However, I look at the face of Mr. Miyagi and really nothing seems so bad anymore.


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