
By FergInCasentino


Yes. I missed the day. We are still in the grip of fierce cold dry weather.

Spent the day effing around with the crummy stairway skirting boards/ tiles.. sometimes ripping everything out and starting again is better than trying to make good on those who left what came before. Only took me three years to get that lesson, not that we had the money at the time. sometimes having builders in is just a one way ratchet on your wallet. All the shiny new bits just throws shade on the imperfections that one tolerated as good enough before. Time heals all difference.

Was touched to see the one minute silence in Uk on Italian news. But also deeply cynical about the motive and timing.

I had prettier photos but this is the last sunlight leaving the Casentino today on Mt Falterona at 6.30. I dare say we’ll go from ice cold dry to too much heat in the blink of an eye.

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