
By SarioMcK

Day of reflection

One year on...

One year ago I started my new job on the day we went into national lockdown. We were anxious and worried about what lay ahead. We were buying up things just in case. We were doing what we were told in broadcasts by the PM. We were pulling together and dealing with the unknown. As we entered into lockdown how could we have known what a year it would be.

So today we reflect on everything that has happened, and so much of it has been tough - the worry, the pain, the loss, the restrictions, the sacrifice, the pace of work (or the loss of it) the separation, the changes to things we had worked hard for or planned to do...

But.. in all of that, this year has brought so many positives - togetherness, love, compassion, support, care, generosity, change, rapid advancements, scientific breakthroughs, nature, exercise, simple pleasures. And a vaccine.

As we stood on the doorstep tonight reflecting, I am sad and grateful at the same time. I feel lucky and loved.

Stay safe everyone. We’re getting through this x

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