
By JackyMT

My window box

Its looking really pretty ay the moment. We can see it from the window when we look out.

Had a busy day today. Took the car up to the garage to have the spring renewed walked back down with Molly. then Paula took Tanzy a local street walk on her lead, whilst I vacuumed all downstairs and dusted, and put some washing in.
Lunch next then Jan rang to say car was done so we walked back up the hill (I live in a valley and the village is at the top of the hill), with Molly, and collected the car, 

Then we went to the co-op so I could get some grapes and Easter Eggs they were selling them (nice size ones too) £6 each or 2 for £8 which made them £4 each or 3 for £10 which makes them £3.33 each and I wanted 3 so that suited me and I saved £8. I also got 2 smaller ones for the younger children. Amelia who is my great granddaughter and Evie who will next year be my step great granddaughter as her daddy is marrying my granddaughter, Amelia's mummy, she is the same age as Amelia and apparently they get on really well but whatever one gets the other wants the same.

We then came home and collected Tanzy and went off to a field so she could have a run off her lead, Molly just had a short walk this time as she is getting old and I think she was tiring a bit by now.

We had a bit of a breakthrough today we left the baby gates open and the dogs were in the same room together with no animosity towards each other. Tanzy was a bit on edge but otherwise we were pleased with the progress. We have been working on them but with the gate separating them, hopefully we will be able to take those gates down soon, fingers crossed.

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