Sheds - not everything is kept inside
There’s all sorts of stuff stacked against and stored around our allotment shed. That’s probably why it has a bit of a lean to the east on it.
Today’s MonoMonday theme is "Architectural Glimpses" hosted by PelorusJack, thank you to Pelorus. Architecture doesn’t come much simpler or utilitarian than than a shed, yet aren’t they fascinating structures with a whole culture of their own?
Regular readers of this column will recall that the previous occupant of this space was destroyed by fire in 2017 which caused no end of upset with the parish council. This replacement was itself subject to vandalism earlier this year when door panels were broken in an attempt to find something worth stealing amongst all the detritus that was languishing inside.
For a change the sun came out making it warm work as I prepared the potato plot for the tubers which have been chitting nicely for a few weeks now. Ready to start sowing more beans, some peas, parsnips, carrots, beetroot and spring onion. Garlic looking good as are the broad beans and onion sets I sowed last autumn.
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