
By DavzoBroon

Maybe A Work Of Art

It was a nice day today and Hayley had stayed with us last night so I ran her into Uni this morning.

After lunch I drove up to Nine Mile Burn and went for a wee walk up the tarmac road to get some exercise going. Trying to test myself for the Doctors on Thursday to see if I can get back to work sooner rather than later.

Had my camera with me off course and took loads of pictures which makes it even harder to pick one but went with my gut instinct. I loved the sky in this one and the way the wall leads you into the middle of the picture. Listen to me, talking like I know something about this art of photography but I still have a lot to learn on that score.

Gavin was off school today with a tummy bug but he feels loads better tonight so he is back to school tomorrow and I will get out and about again while the weather is good.

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