And it’s done

The end of an era! Our “things” are all packed up and our home is empty.

The packers did a great job and were wonderfully professional and thoughtful.

Our sale agent popped in at about 4pm asking how much longer we’d be cause the new owners wanted to come and measure a few things! I said I was not ready and the packers were still there. Martin had to go off into town to sign off on the contracts for the sale of the flats, and so he wasn’t there. And I was starting to get a bit emotional by this stage.

Ben was helping some things being moved into the next building, so it was just Jon and me, finishing up the cleaning and last minute things, when lo and behold the agent then walked into the house with the new owners and all their family!!!! I was sooooo angry with him cause I was already crying by this stage, over having to say goodbye to our home. The new owners also realised that the agent had stuffed this up and were disappointed too. They were actually there to perform a Chinese ritual over the house.

Anyway, they kindly waited outside while Jon and I got ourselves together and finished off.

Jon was great, he reminded me that we were coming back tonight to have pizzas/dinner there again later, just like we did when we got the keys in 2006. We sat in our new home back then, and watched the Disney fireworks! And so, to end our time here, we did the same.

We all had a good cry and released our home, and cherished the memories that we’ve made there, all the gatherings etc.

It is now someone else’s and we wish them every happiness in their new home.

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