Oh dear - deer

Gutted to find the deer had taken a fancy to my irises overnight. Mr C has been busy putting wire netting over the pots with the tulips.

I woke at 3.30 am and despite the dulcet tones of Mariella Fostrup, sleep evaded me. I should really go out for a walk - though it is cold, it is quite bright. But Sunday
is busy here - even more so in lockdown - the motorbikes are roaring up and down the valley and lots of carloads of walkers are parked along our street.

I’m being lazy and after preparing my fridge-slurry chilli for tonight, (old carrots, slightly slimy mushrooms, wrinkly red pepper, roast red onion and aubergine left-overs, left over potato, chillis, garlic, tinned tomatoes and tin of kidney beans - honest, we’ve survived worse) I’ve been listening to Maggie O’Farrell on Desert Island Discs while I mended Nathaniel’s old baby blanket which he likes at the bottom of his bed. He might be needing it - there will be tears before bedtime tonight when his mum tells him his best friend will be leaving his school and starting at the prestigious private school RGS. I think the friend, an only child, will be upset too. Nathaniel has lots of friends at school but as Albie lives on the street they are close.

Completed our census. Put out nationality in “other” - European

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